Blogging about things I follow closely, like health and fitness issues.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Barney Frank said what?

It is my firm belief that Barney Frank should not be allowed to speak about Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac in front of a microphone, in private, or to himself again ever. Ever.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Munchie Thing

There was an excellent article in Good Housekeeping this month about binging. The author described binging as a descent into numbness which I agreed with wholeheartedly. I have the munchies really badly right now because I would like to have a day off. Truly, the chips-and-salsa are about a day off and not the chips.

There's no extra cash, no extra time and I really want a day off.

Wasting my time

I'm pretty well done with reading for this political season. It wastes my time and energy. I'll take back those moments of my life and learn Chinese so I can talk with my friend in her native language, read up and blog about some fitness issues, maybe even clean the house and play a little Yahoo! towers.

Yeah, be productive.